
Tuesday, August 27

Geoffrey Brown           Deborah Rood

The State of the CPA Profession: It’s Time to Think Big

8:00 AM - 8:50 AM

From talent acquisition and retention to professional relevance, the CPA profession faces big challenges—so it’s time to think about big solutions. Join us as we dissect the trends impacting accounting and finance today and discuss the big ideas that could keep the profession moving forward.

Geoffrey Brown, CAE
President and CEO, Illinois CPA Society

Deborah Rood, CPA, MST
Chairperson, Illinois CPA Society and Risk Control Consulting Director, CNA Insurance

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Sirmara Campbell

Human Capital Management: How to Best Engage and Retain Top Talent

11:15 AM - 12:05 PM

Turn the tide on decreasing employee retention trends by building a culture that proactively drives engagement and productivity. Learn how to spot, and prevent, employee burnout to keep your organization profitable and effectively moving forward.

Sirmara Campbell
Chief Human Resources Officer, LaSalle Network

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Roman Kepczyk

Techs and Trends: 2024 Update

3:20 PM - 5:00 PM

Accounting technology has gone through significant changes—from the advent of the personal computer to the internet to remote digital collaboration prompted by the pandemic. Now artificial intelligence has been added to the mix, accelerating change even more. Walk through an optimum accounting system infrastructure with specific equipment and application recommendations to keep your firm or company on the leading edge. Plus, hear an update on burgeoning cybersecurity threats and specific steps your organization should implement today.

Roman Kepczyk, CPA, CITP, CGMA, LSS BB
Director of Firm Technology Strategy, Rightworks

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Wednesday, August 28

LaVaughn Henry

A Look Ahead at the U.S. Economy

8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

The real state of our economic environment is buried in the details. Discuss current economic indicators—including GDP, production trends, consumer demand, market sentiment, and employment trends—to better understand what lies ahead. Plus, take a deep dive into the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy and its implications for interest rates and credit markets.

LaVaughn Henry, Ph.D., CBE
Former Sr. Economist, Council of Economic Advisers, Executive Office of the President (the White House) and Sr. Regional Officer and VP, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

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      Kathy Enstrom          Guinevere Moore

Maintaining Ethical Objectivity and Independence

1:25 PM - 2:40 PM

Threats to independence are everywhere. Hear cautionary tales of when lines were crossed and learn what safeguards to put in place to stay independent. Plus, review guidance from the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct and Circular 230 to help navigate relationships with clients while maintaining objectivity and integrity.

Kathy Enstrom, MBA, EA, CFE
Director of Investigations, Moore Tax Law Group LLC

Guinevere Moore, JD
Managing Member, Moore Tax Law Group LLC

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LaTonya Wilkins

REAL Leadership: Navigating Today’s Workplace

4:10 PM - 5:10 PM

The workplace is changing at an alarming rate—there are more generations in it than ever before, anxiety is at an all-time high, AI has arrived, and employees are working outside of a common space more than ever. All these changes (and more) have caused the traditional leadership approach to become obsolete. With a workforce that demands belonging, it’s important for leaders to acknowledge the rapidly shifting landscape by getting below the surface within their teams. Learn how to fit the “REAL Leadership” approach into your own style and leave inspired with actionable steps.

LaTonya Wilkins, MBA
Founder and CEO, Change Coaches

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