Surgent CPA Review is the only truly adaptive exam review you’ll find. While other courses have you watch every video, read every chapter, and answer every multiple-choice question, our advanced technology tailors what you see to fit your needs and reduces the amount of material you need to study! We are proud of our 92% Pass Rate. That's almost 40 points higher than the national average!
ICPAS members receive an exclusive 35% discount on Surgent
CPA Review. Begin your path to CPA certification with Surgent's
award-winning, adaptive technology, one-on-one coaching, high pass rates, and
so much more. Optimize your study sessions so you can pass faster with Surgent
CPA Review. Enrollment includes access to 700+ video lectures from engaging
instructors, a test bank of more than 8,800 multiple-choice questions, over 450
task-based simulations, customized study guides, and unlimited practice exams.
Learn more.