CPE Requirement FAQ

How many hours of CPE do I have to take per year?
What constitutes "professional ethics" CPE?
How do I know if the classes I've taken qualify for CPE?
How can I find out if a CPE provider is an approved sponsor?
I have already met my 120 hours for this license renewal period. Can I carryover any additional hours into the next three-year renewal period?
Who tracks/verifies that I have taken the required amount of CPE?
What are the types of CPE?
How much self-study can I take?
What is the difference between interactive and conventional self-study?
Are webinars considered interactive self-study?
I understand there are new activities that qualify for CPE credit. What types of activities are included in this new category?

Initial License Requirement FAQs

How many CPE hours must I accumulate before applying for a license?

License Renewal FAQ

I am renewing my license for the first time. Do I have CPE requirements to fulfill?
What is the license renewal process?

Miscellaneous FAQ

How do I get a paper copy of my license?
What if I hold licenses in more than one state?
Where can I find licensing requirements for other states?
What can I include on my resume if I have passed the exam, but I don't have an active license or registration?

Types of Non-verifiable CPE FAQ

Programs From an Entity That is Not an Approved Sponsor
Participation on a Technical Committee
Professional Reading
Research or Consultation

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