Black CPA Centennial



Black CPA Centennial Fund

In honor of the 100th anniversary of the first Black CPA, the Black CPA Centennial Fund was established for individuals and organizations to support national scholarships and other programs dedicated to paving the way for Black individuals interested in pursuing the CPA credential. Fundraising efforts ended on December 31, 2021. The funds collected will be dispersed during the 2022 calendar year.

Thank You To Our Donors!

The Black CPA Centennial organizing partners thanks the following donors for their generosity. These individuals and organizations will help make a significant, life-changing impact on the lives of aspiring Black CPAs across the country. *


Change Makers ($10,000 and up)

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Deloitte LLP
Ernst & Young LLP
Illinois CPA Society

Diversity Champions ($5,000-$9,999)

BKD Foundation
The Georgia Society of CPAs
Craig S. Johnson
Michael David White II

Progress Partners ($1,000-$4,999)

KET Solutions LLC
Nancy & Lester McKeever
James & Dorri McWhorter
Montana Society of CPAs Legacy Foundation
New Jersey Society of CPAs
Plante Moran
Todd Shapiro
Ralph Albert Thomas & Valerie Thornton Thomas
Virginia Society of CPAs
Jeffery & Julie Watson



Centennial Supporters ($100-$999)

Anonymous (4)Annanette ManningKim Waite
Adam Lifson CPA PCMaryland Association of CPAsEmmerine Walker
John AdamsTyson MayMatthew Wangard
Brent BaccusPaige McLeodTimothy Watson
Sade BakerAnoop MehtaJean Wells
Alyssia BenfordC. Zachary MeyersBarbara Wilson
Allison BishopSara Mikuta-HenryAndrea Wright
William BledsoeMike Mleko
Howard BlumsteinKari Natale
Stephanie BowieLisa Ong
Jackie BrownJason Parish 
Martrice CaldwellStephanie Peters 
Carl CaputoMaria Prado
James CarulasDeborah Rood
Crystal CookeBrian Rose
Kimi EllenApril Royster
Matt GunningBrian Ruben
Theresa HammondKurt Schneider
Anne HeffingtonJennifer Schultz
Scott Hurwitz & Kelly AustinAaron Slaughter
Indiana CPA SocietyKierra Smith 
Iowa Society of CPAsDimeta Smith Knight
Melanie Kidder Society of Louisiana CPAs
Courtney KincaidJermaine Southern
Thomas & Catherine KinderScott Steffens
Kenton KlausVictor Sturgis
Korey KrossSullivan Bille PC
Joshua LanceKhoe Tran
Mike LoParrinoGreg Turner


Accounting Advocates (Up to $99)

Anonymous (5)
Joi Adams
Richard Bayer
Stephanie Belter
Avonette Blanding
Denise Brantley
Elizabeth Brown
Rebekah Brown
Orynthia Campbell
Charles Eberhart
James Gamble 
Vickie Iregbulem
Gabriel Juntunen
Sarah Kosenka 
Melissa Norfleet
Thelma Phillips
Steven Rampolla
Briana Reed
Cassandra Rose
LaTonya Sanders
Myra Swick
Deborah Wallace
Frances Wallace
Molly Wash
Mark Wolfgram
Bridget Williams

*Every attempt was made to acknowledge all donors to the Black CPA Centennial Fund. If you see a discrepancy, please call 312.517.7656.

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