CPAs: Why They Leave, Where They Go
What’s pushing CPAs out of the field they worked so hard to get into?
Public accounting is not for the faint of heart. Accountants
shoulder long hours, demanding seasonality, constantly
changing standards, and more. And yet, year after year, new
applicants are drawn into the field — and seasoned pros
press on — competing for the demanding and rewarding
opportunity to serve in the industry. But at what cost?
CPA Practice Advisor reports many CPA firms experience
average annual turnover rates upward of 25 percent. That’s
more than double the national average turnover rate of 11.6
percent, as reported by CompData’s BenchmarkPro survey.
So, what’s pushing CPAs out of the field they worked so
hard to get into?
For many, the decision to leave public accounting
comes down to culture. The Illinois CPA Society
took a deep dive into this in the INSIGHT special
feature, “
The Culture Conflicts,” in which a primary theme
for departing the profession comes down to work-life
balance — or the lack thereof.
“Accounting firms have been espousing work-life balance
for decades, but many fail to live up to expectations,” says
Scott MacEachern, a CPA who spent five years with a Big
Four accounting firm before moving on to a variety of
controller and CFO positions with multiple companies.
These days, he’s the founding partner of LedgerLiberty
Solutions, a Vancouver-based accounting practice.
The challenge with achieving work-life balance is that
everyone has a different definition of what work-life balance
should be, MacEachern says. Eight hours a day? Flexible
work hours? The ability to work from home? These might
all sound like reasonable requests — many of which are
standard across other industries — but accountants in a
large public practice environment rarely have access to a
combination of such benefits.
“As a result, work-life balance is used more as a recruiting
buzzword as opposed to a retention tool,” MacEachern says.
For many, it’s accepted that that’s simply the nature of the
business. “Public accounting is tough!” says Sholly
Nicholson, director of human resources at Sensiba San
Filippo, a San Francisco Bay Area-based accounting and
business advisory firm. “It’s a demanding, deadline-driven,
service-centric business.”
Nicholson believes that part of the turnover trouble is
accredited to the fact that many young accountants simply
begin their careers not fully understanding what it takes to
be successful in the profession. They then bail out when
they find themselves in over their heads. Indeed, according
to the AICPA National MAP Survey from 2016, among the
least-experienced staff, for every person fired or let go
(involuntary turnover), another two people leave on their
own accord (voluntary turnover).
“Typically, the hours that public accounting professionals
work is significant. Some people reach a point where they
are looking for a better balance, so they move out of public
accounting,” says Marc Basil, senior director of financial
search with Chicago-based recruiting firm Brilliant.
Take Paul Russo, CPA, CFE, for instance. He is now the
director of tax services at The 1911 Trust Company, a wealth
management firm in Greater Boston, after transitioning to
the company following 13 years in public accounting and
law firms. His recent decision to depart public accounting
was primarily driven by one factor — work-life balance. The
culprit? The relentless pursuit of billable hours — still a
staple of public accounting firm profits.
“You have to make sure you’re tracking all of your time
immediately, so the firm can bill for it as quickly as possible
and get the cash in the door,” Russo says. “As a result,
you’re constantly striving to hit X number of billable hours
for the week, for the quarter, or for the year.”
Russo’s current company uses a holistic management
fee, which covers tax and investment services and other
client needs.
“It lends to a much better work-life balance. You’re not
stressed about generating and bringing in more business,
or having X number of billable hours every year,” Russo
explains. “You’re just making sure that your job is done and
done well. It’s a completely different atmosphere.”
Demanding hours and high expectations aside, turnover in
public accounting is also being driven up by today’s robust
job market. Simply put, young accountants with easily
transferable skills, and experienced accountants with diverse
business knowledge, have career opportunities galore.
“There are endless industries that accountants can transition
to: movies, sports, mining, biotech, construction, the list
goes on,” MacEachern says. “With the experience and
connections obtained in public practice, accomplished
accountants can transition to virtually any role in business.”
Indeed, we see evidence for that trend in the AICPA National
MAP Survey. For early career professionals (2-5 years’
experience), a fraction over five people leave voluntarily for
each one let go. Among more seasoned professionals (6-10
years’ experience), that number climbs to nearly six
professionals voluntarily leaving for each one terminated.
Nicholson notes that CPAs commonly leave public
accounting to go into back-office corporate accounting and
finance positions where they “believe they’ll make more
money while working fewer hours.”
“Often, the type of client bases the professional was
exposed to in public accounting is the ideal corporate
destination for them. For example, an individual that had
primarily publicly traded clients would have a logical career
path in working for a publicly traded company in its SEC
reporting or corporate accounting function,” Basil explains.
He points to numerous positions that would be a natural fit
for CPAs leaving public accounting for the corporate world:
CFO, controller, corporate accountant, financial planning
and analysis, internal audit, and more.
A common reason for young professionals to consider
transitioning away from public accounting is the perceived
lack of advancement opportunities. “Many public
accounting professionals feel that if they don’t have a clear
path to partner, they need to leave,” Basil explains.
For others, the need to commit to a single field to truly
succeed is a deterrent. MacEachern explains that there
comes a point in every accountant’s career where it
becomes clear that staying in public practice means a full commitment to a specific expertise. “There’s nothing wrong
with staying in a specific field, and many accountants find it
fulfilling. However, for others, the variety of work available
in industry makes it inevitable that people leave the public
practice field,” MacEachern says.
Right from the start, Kevin Strawbridge knew he wasn’t
going to stay in public accounting. The now seasoned Csuite
executive attributes part of his success at several
companies to his time spent in the Big Four trenches. “I still
find myself ‘tick and tying’ numbers,” he laughs. “I knew
when I got both of my accounting degrees it was for a much
broader ambition of running a company one day. Knowing
how to define and defend numbers in financial statements
has served me very well.”
Indeed, within a year of taking over the CEO helm of
ClickBank, Strawbridge led the company to a 22 percent
increase in top-line sales driven by improved margins and
optimized spending.
Shifting from public practice to industry is less difficult than
one might think, at least from a technical standpoint.
“Usually the greatest obstacle in terms of responsibilities is
learning how to use a new company’s ERP or accounting
system, which is a minor challenge for a seasoned public
practice accountant,” MacEachern says. “The hardest part
is just finding a business willing to take a chance on a public
accountant’s first foray into industry.”
Alternatively, maybe the answer isn’t about leaving public
accounting. If an accountant is looking for change, perhaps
they can find it at another firm with a different culture.
“Before heading for the hills and leaving public accounting
altogether, I’d suggest doing a little research,” Nicholson
says. “Each firm is quite different and operates under a
different set of values as well as culture.”
At Sensiba, the turnover rate is about 15 percent. Nicholson
says they’re able to keep turnover down because they
follow a motto: “Family. Community. Firm.” “In that order,”
Nicholson emphasizes. “We care less about where, when,
or how you do your work and more about the work getting
done and making our clients happy.”
Despite the demands, there’s an upside associated with
working a few years in public accounting — particularly with
the Big Four. “As cliché as it sounds, pay your dues,” Russo
advises. “People who put in those years, and who work on
engagements and rack up billable hours, will be exposed to
so many more things than someone at the junior associate
level who comes in for a year or two and leaves for private.”
Russo speaks from personal experience. He says one of his
best decisions was starting at a Big Four firm right after
finishing his master’s program and earning his CPA. “In terms
of the learning curve, I was able to learn my industry, my job,
and public accounting exponentially quicker than if I had
gone into private industry from the get-go,” Russo says. “For
any type of situation or transaction, there’s always someone
at the firm who is well-versed in that area. Leverage that
knowledge and learn as much as you possibly can before you
jump ship, because you’re not going to find that big of a
network to bounce things off if you’re in private industry.”
“Think about it. Each partner has multiple clients, and
each client has their own network,” MacEachern adds.
“Don’t like traditional networking? That’s fine. Ask your best
client out for lunch. Invite your favorite partner to grab a
quick coffee. Start planting seeds for your future outside of
public accounting; you’ll be surprised how many people are
willing to help.”
Regardless of whether the goal is to make partner or
to transition into private industry, Strawbridge says the
most important thing to remember is to make a plan
and stick to it.
“Fail to plan, plan to fail,” Strawbridge says. “I talk to
many young professionals who have expectations that
are not founded on building the proper experience and
understanding of where to head. They are often disappointed
that they cannot seem to get ahead and achieve more. That
then leads to complacency and stagnation.”
While there are several reasons both young and seasoned
CPAs leave the public accounting profession, spanning from
a lack of work-life balance to a plethora of attractive
opportunities in the private sector, it is indisputable that
devoting a few years of your career to public accounting
can help position you for whatever path you decide to
pursue. And just as CPAs must decide the career paths best
for them, public accounting firms must the decide on the
best ways to retain the talent that is best for them.